Ix-kik: blood, moon, sister
Ix-kik: blood, moon, sister unites three indigenous women (Zapotec, Tzotzil, Raramuri) and a musician into a living, theatrical tapestry where the feminine territory of native Mexico is evoked through body, music, and language. Ix-kik reveals and intertwines the deeply personal voices of these present-day women, while connecting them through time and space with their lineage. Together, their hidden song resonates as echo of both womanhood and humanity. From the Mayan prefix “ix” [pronounced “sh”], referring to all that belongs to the feminine, and “kik,” blood, moon, or sister.
Cast: Luvia Lazo, Nicté Valdés Cházaro, Beatriz Cadena.
Music: Tania Chan
Asst. Director: Ana Lucia Altamirano.
Administrative Asst.: Josué Maychi
Directed and devised by: Héctor Flores Komatsu
Created with support from the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA) in Mexico.
Devised from anecdotes of the cast, plus Sara Ontiveros.